
How to become a tour guide: be at least 45 days old on CP, go to the ski village, waddle to the tour booth, you will have to pass a small quiz. here are the answers to the questions! Q: Which color of puffle can catch on fire?A: Black
Q: What item is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of Bean Counter?
A: A flower pot
Q: How do you get a pin?
A: Click on it
Q: What is the name of the big fish in Ice Fishing?
A: Mullet
Q: Which room has a Cuckoo clock?
A: Ski Lodge
Q: How does the pink puffle play?
A: Skips with a skipping rope
Q: How many Sled Racing tracks are there?
A: 4
Q: What item is always hidden in a different place in the Clothing Catalog every month?
A: The Viking Helmet
Q: In what room can you fin old copies of the Penguin Times?
A: Boiler Room
Q: Which of these rooms doesn’t have music in the backround?
A) Pet Shop
Q: How many coins does it cost to buy a player card backround?
A: 60
Q: What is the name of Captain Rockhoppers ship?
A: The Migrator
Q: Which of these games has a shark in it?
A: Jetpack Adventure
Q: Which of the rooms does NOT have a game in it?
A: Beach
Q: What day does the news paper come out?
A: Thursday
How To Be an EPF agent:  Have someone send you EPF mail, then, when you get the mail, move you're mouse over the mail, until you see some text that says, "This is a Top Secret invitation you have what it takes to be a great secret agent. Go to the Every Day Phoning Facilty and take the test. The rest is up to you." then click "go there" to go to the every day phoning facility! when you get there, a target will pop up on the wall, throw a snowball at it. then you have to do a race, walk to the green square, and when the screen says GO! waddle to the red square as fast as you can. ( dont worry,you complete the test no matter what time you get) after that, you have to hide from the cameras! try hideing behind one of the pillers in the corners. next, dont move, even though the screen tells you to walk to the blue square. and you will pass the test! congrats on becomeing a EPF agent!

How To Become a Ninga: Go to the dojo on you're map, walk inside, and walk to sensei to talk to him. he will teach you how to play "card jitsu". once he gives you you're starter deck, select earn you're belts to battle people. by winning a game of cardjitsu. you earn points, and once you get a certain number of points, you earn a belt. first you earn a white belt, then you earn a yellow belt, next you get a orange belt, then you earn an green belt, then a blue one, then you will earn a purple belt, then you will get a red belt, then a brown belt, and finally you will earn a black belt! then talk to sensei and select challenge sensei, and win! congrats! you're a ninga!

How To Be a Fire ninga!: go to the dojo on you're map, and go to the ninga hideout, (note: you have to be a ninga to do this) then click the stone thats glowing red to enter the fire dojo! now talk to the sensei, and ask to earn you're fire suit. ok, next you have to know how to play the game, heres how
First you start off your move by selecting a tablet in the center, it will flip over a number and that is how many spaces you can move. Once you have moved, you will have various options with Instructions on every one you land on. Same rules apply as normal Card Jitsu. Ice beats Water, Water beats Fire, and Fire beats Ice. When the same Element is played (EX. Fire,Ice,Water) the highest number of all of them wins. Keep in mind, right next to your name is a life counter which will show you how many life points you have left. You will lose or earn points depending on the battle! also, you will earn items! here are the order you get them in! forst you get the, Flame Sandals, then you get the Magma Coat, Next you get the Lava Mask, and finally, you get the Firey Helmet! then, challenge sensei, and win! congrats, you are a
 fire ninga!

How To Be a Water Ninga:  First, go to the dojo on your map. then, go to the ninga Hideout. (Note: you have to be a ninga to do this.) once you get there, click on the stone thats glowing blue to go to the water dojo. once you are i the water Dojo, walk to Sensei, and talk to him. then select earn you're water suit. but first, you need to know how to play the game, heres how,  you are in a race against other Ninjas to get to one side of the waterfall. You can fall off the end if you lose, or you can hit the gong if you win.  If you would like to move across the moving rocks, you need to pick the right element to defeat it. Remember you can only move onto rocks that are highlighted green. Notice how some stones are highlighted and some are not. The ones that are, are where you can move to. For instance, You see the highlighted rock with Fire on it? If I wanted to move there, I would have to look in my sliding card inventory  and pick a water card.
Now that you have picked your Water card, just click on the highlighted  Fire stone. Remember, sometimes the stone you are trying to move to can have a powerful element on it, and if you pick a low power card, it may not put it all the way out. Also, if there is no element on a stone you want to move to, you can get there without selecting a card. All you must do is select the empty highlighted stone. If you get to the end before anyone else, you will ring the gong, and a wave will take out the rest of your opponents. keep on winning battle like that, and you will earn all the water items soon! here are the names of the items and the order you get them in. first, you earn the Wave Sandels, then you will earn the Waterfall Coat, then you will get the Torrent Mask, and finally, you will obtain the Helmet of Oceans! Then challenge Sensei, and win! congrats! you are a Water ninga!